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What's on in March: Arts and Crafts

All tickets can be booked through

Craft for Adults: Earring Workshop 

Date and Time: Monday, March 17 - 12.30-2.30pm 

Location: Willagee Library, Winnacott Street Willagee, WA 6156

Ticket Price: $15pp (Booking essential, refunds can be given up to one day before event date) 

What to expect: 

Make some time for yourself and come create jewellery that is uniquely you!

You will be provided with a kit that includes all beads and findings required plus needle , thread and mat. Under the guidance of Sandy Jamieson, you will learn how to thread beads and how to attach the jump ring and hook.

You’ll leave the workshop with a set of earrings that are truly unique!

Girrawheen Library Inspirations Craft Group - Mini Pointillism Art 

Date and Time: Tuesday, March 4th - 3.15 pm 

Location: Girrawheen Hub, 11 Patrick Ct. Girrawheen, WA 6064 

Ticket Price: Free 

What to expect:

Create art that is more than meets the eye! 

Pointillism is a painting technique in which small, distinct dots of colour are applied in patterns to form an image, the technique relies upon the ability of the eye and mind of the viewer to blend the colour spots into a fuller range of tones 

Girrawheen Library Inspirations Craft Group - Bring your own sessions 2025 

Date and time: Every Tuesday, 3.15-5pm 

Location: Girrawheen Hub, 11 Patrick Court GIrawheen, WA 6064 

Ticket Prices: Free, but booking essential 

What to expect

This community-led group is for adult crafters who want to work on projects in a friendly social environment. You can share your crafting skills or maybe learn a new one. Bring your materials and share the inspiration! If you don't have a craft, we'll have something for you.

We meet in the Girrawheen Hub. This is the building directly behind the library and can be accessed through the library's back door or from the car park behind the Senior Citizens hall.

My Neighbourhood: Recycle, Reuse, Represent 

Date and Time: Sunday, March 30 - 10.00-1pm 

Location: The Guide Hall, Pingrup Lane Doubleview, WA 6018 

Free Venue Parking 

What to expect 

Participants will use second-hand material to create a 3D collage that represents their lives and where they live.

What symbolises neighbourhood and community for them? For example, they may choose to represent visiting the beach or park. They could depict local wildlife or vegetation, or they could represent the built environment e.g., their local shops or restaurants. The workshop is run in connection with a competition and exhibition to follow.

A local artist (Annie Rawle) will lead the workshop and show you how to combine your pictures and models with found objects and images. She will teach craft techniques focused on using recycled materials, for example, wire, wood, paper, cardboard glue, thread paints etc. You’ll get worksheets and ideas of what to create to fit the theme. This fun and friendly workshop will be very hands-on and all participants will have an opportunity to create their own art piece on the day.

After the workshop, you will take home your work to finish at home if needed, then deliver it in its frame for exhibition and judging (if you choose to enter the competition). The artwork must be contained within a single box-style frame (provided with ticket payment). All other materials will be provided on the day. The workshop is run in connection with a competition and exhibition with details to follow soon. All materials on the day of the workshop will be free ( including a box frame) but you may need some basic things at home to finish, for example, paint, glue etc.

The attendees can choose whether to enter their art into the subsequent art competition.

Craft for adults: Pressed Flower Picture Frames

Date and time: Friday, March 21 - 10.30-12.30pm 

Location: Civic Square Library, 10 Almondbury Road, WA 6154

Ticket Price: $15 (refunds can be given up to one day before the event)

What to expect: 

In this relaxed workshop, Rin will bring in a large selection of pre-dried flowers and greenery to use in your artwork which have been hand-collected from their garden, friends and sustainable foraging spots. You will learn several different flower pressing and preservation techniques, to suit different foliage types and plant uses, and then create some framed flower art using recycled materials. Rin's workshops are always great fun, and a chance to learn something new."

Garden guru Rin is a practising permaculturist with a passion for plants! Rin uses arts, crafts and a dash of magic to teach adults and kids alike ways to grow and utilise plants and gardens in everyday life while staying sustainable and preserving our most precious resource for generations to come.

Women's Weaving Workshop for International Women's Day

Create a symbol for International Women's Day with Phyllis Winmar who integrates the art of weaving into therapeutic practices.

Date and time: Monday, March 10th - 5.00-6.45 pm

Location: Darius Wells Library and Resource Centre, Robbo's Way, Kwinana Town Centre, WA 6167

Ticket Price: General Admission $5, Free for Noongar Attendees

What to expect

Join with other women from the community and create a symbol for International Women's Day.

The session will be facilitated by Phyllis Winmar, a local Noongar woman, who uses the art of weaving as a therapeutic practice to empower people to self-express and heal, to promote well-being and resilience.

Participants will use coloured yarn to weave their own creations to take home.

This session is suitable for women 16 years and older from all cultures and backgrounds.

Registration is essential. Please register and pay through Eventbrite. There are no fees for Noongar attendees (please select Noongar ticket). Companion Cards are accepted.



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